A Whale's Vagina
There's no better name for it. For the past four years, at least once a week was spent driving the 90 miles to this wonderful place. Never had a reason to complain about it, except for the lack of taco bell and fast food. Most days were spent in sunny La Jolla, where the old people don't need jobs and the UCSD students have no tans! but it was always chill.
...and here's the reason for my giant carbon footprint. Well worth it.
>This is where it all started. I was there for move in day. <
>stuck in an apt with 9 other girls.<
>Instant love for breakfast burritos from OVT<
>Chatky Headquarters in Kyoto<
...and now for the most important thing in life...Food
>what we look like when we are eating in front of each other<
>Needless to say, we smashed<
The day was super chill. Weather was perfect. Reminiscing about the past, and looking forward for the future. Great way to say goodbye to such a lovely place.
So after popping our first bottle of champagne,
Here's to you San Diego. Beautiful weather, beautiful people, you never leave me disappointed. There are many more blog posts that will be designated for you. Until we meet again.
To Desiree. Congratulations. You put up one hell of a fight and you came out on top. You deserve the world and more, and i know you're going to try and take all of it.
And to the readers. This is only the beginning.